Legionella Risk Assessment Companies
Choosing a legionella risk assessment company
We have all your health, safety and legal requirements covered. Archer & Stone provide Legionella Risk Assessments (LRA), LRA audits, training on legionella control and consultancy on legionella risk management.
Reasons to use Archer & Stone
- Independent advice, a company that gives professional guidance without trying to sell the follow up actions usually required e.g. remedial works, clean & disinfection and monitoring programmes.
- A fair appraisal of the risk from legionella on site, not an exaggerated or over stated level to increase follow on sales.
- Advice on selection and management of contractors, assessing suitability, competence, levels of service, value for money, compliance and carrying out spot inspections.
- Checking Legionella Risk Assessments (LRA) done by others for accuracy, suitability and relevance. This can confirm what is good and what is perhaps not so good to ‘keep legionella control on track’.
- Cost saving approach to managing the risk from legionella, doing what is appropriate in a sensible manner. This is very likely to save money compared to other providers who supply additional services that are not always necessary.
- Provision of appropriate training, suitable to different audiences conducted in a professional manner with emphasis on enjoyable learning with useful outcomes.
- Consultancy services across the facilities and building management sector. Effective planning to remove the risk where possible and reduce the risk from legionella.
- Prompt return of reports, not withholding them for over 3 - 4 weeks like some firms do.
- Polite, helpful and willing manner in dealing with client requests and providing assistance.
- Honesty and integrity is a core belief at Archer and Stone. Our customers instinctively trust us knowing we will carry out the work to a high standard.
- Value for money so that extra or unnecessary expenditure is avoided over the short and long term, ‘keeping clients on the right course both legal and financial’.
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Nationwide service
From our head office in Leeds, West Yorkshire, Archer + Stone provide a nationwide service for public organisations and private companies thoughout the UK.
Contact us today for your free, no obligation consultation and quotation:
Office: 01132 760 298 / 0735 55 15019
Mobile: Karl Thirlway-Collingwood: 07833 914357
Email: office@archerandstone.co.uk